Anchor Windlasses & Windlass Parts

Choosing a Windlasses and Windlass Parts

Windlass Parts and Accessories let you keep your anchor windlass working the way it was meant to on your boat.
A Vertical Anchor Windlass engages more of your anchor rode for a more secure grip on the gypsy.
A Horizontal Anchor Windlass is a great choice for boats with small anchor lockers.
With an Electrical Anchor Windlass you can deploy and retrieve your anchor with greater safety and reliability.
A Mechanical Anchor Windlass can work on smaller boats and boats without the electrical system capacity for an electric windlass.

1 Product

Lewmar 68000888 Stainless Steel Foot Switch - Down

SKU: 565315
Mfr: Lewmar Marine Ltd.
Mfg# 68000888
LFS# LMR68000888